King Melodica

Hi Swan

King Melodica and the search for the missing F.

This is to announce that a small musical project featuring King Melodica is to be released in 2019. The E.P. will be called “King Melodica and the search for the missing F”.

The first track is now available on streaming platforms. Entitled King Melodica defeats the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, because I think we can all agree that the Horsemen need to be defeated and King Melodica is the man for the job.

Introducing King Melodica a legendary 7000 year old Melodica player from the village of Cam. Apart from being the oldest vegan on the planet and being fluent in dog and cat, King Melodica is on a mission to put one up the bastards at every opportunity.

Without fail, evil rulers throughout history have used violence against, brainwashed and sacrificed their own people in order to maintain power and control. This has culminated in the present era, where the ba***rds are prepared to sacrafice the entire planet for the sake of an enormous bank balance and a twisted power trip fantasy. Not if King Melodica has his way! Soon they will all be vanquished by the sound of the melodica with a little help from U.F.O’s. and of course the entire Green Movement.

For the record, King Melodica has met many of the well known psycho-rulers in person. In fact, over the last 7000 years he has insulted most of the really horrible historical figures in your history books. Ghengis Khan, Napoleon and Ramases II are just some of the powerful rulers that King Melodica has really pissed off and undermined in person. If you don’t believe it, take a look at this picture:

King Melodica undermines Napoleon Bonaparte.

Napoleon wasn’t too happy about that one and really threw a complete tantrum (they all do). But as we all know, he ended up being banished to Elba with a nasty little infection. King Melodica has spent millennia doing damage to the status quo wherever he can.

If you haven’t heard of him, you soon will. Spread the word. King Melodica is here to enchant you with 7000 year old music and to help you get rid of the psycho-ruler- hypocrites (P.R.H’s). As an uber-vegan, King Melodica sometimes eats sardines because they are in fact plants so it’s okay. So for the record this does not mean that King Melodica is a hypocrite. Using the magical Melodica of Nev acquired from Aladdin in Istanbul 5000 years ago, King Melodica will lay down some secret Melodica riffs from his journeys over the last seven millennia. He will never end his search for the missing F. Join him and he will join you. Together and with a bit of help from U.F.O’s, we will rock the shit out of the course of history.